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I Don't Care What Others Say About The Controls, I Enjoyed Flying The Space Ship/ Making Shapes Using The Particles, The Cartoonish Look/Similarity Between The Game Objects is So Fine.

Brilliant job considering the 48 hour deadline, I'd say what you did was not really easy to do! If I had a few remarks (from what I played):
- The gameplay has no end goal

- The controls are a bit funky (even though I enjoyed them a lot)

I really enjoyed your games both in the previous jam and in this one, and your personality really shows, I have to say I loved it!

Thanks for the kind feedback!

(1 edit)

I like the concept and I wish there was more content.

But I must say I absolutely hate the controls in combination and the camera behavior.

Also there was a bug when I came home and couldn't leave the ship, but it also didn't fly. I couldn't do anything about it except reloading the game.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the ship controls could have been... a lot different from what it is 😅

That's a really weird bug. Thanks for pointing it out.

I actually had a lot more content planned for this game, like actually utilizing the tiles you bring back to create items, buildings and ship upgrades. But I severely underestimated the time that would need 🤷