A world where everything has been shattered into bits. Use your spaceship to reclaim the planet's pieces and rebuild your home.

Created in under 48 hours for the CPES 2022 Game Jam https://itch.io/jam/cpes-game-jam2/

3D tiles and models from Kay Lousberg: https://kaylousberg.itch.io/

Spaceship from Kenney: http://kenney.nl/

Music from John Easton:  https://youtu.be/HKinw3NqWFQ


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I Don't Care What Others Say About The Controls, I Enjoyed Flying The Space Ship/ Making Shapes Using The Particles, The Cartoonish Look/Similarity Between The Game Objects is So Fine.

Brilliant job considering the 48 hour deadline, I'd say what you did was not really easy to do! If I had a few remarks (from what I played):
- The gameplay has no end goal

- The controls are a bit funky (even though I enjoyed them a lot)

I really enjoyed your games both in the previous jam and in this one, and your personality really shows, I have to say I loved it!

Thanks for the kind feedback!

(1 edit)

I like the concept and I wish there was more content.

But I must say I absolutely hate the controls in combination and the camera behavior.

Also there was a bug when I came home and couldn't leave the ship, but it also didn't fly. I couldn't do anything about it except reloading the game.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the ship controls could have been... a lot different from what it is 😅

That's a really weird bug. Thanks for pointing it out.

I actually had a lot more content planned for this game, like actually utilizing the tiles you bring back to create items, buildings and ship upgrades. But I severely underestimated the time that would need 🤷